Mike braun vintage gay videos

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The first totally nude model (tattooed and boy-next-door type Monty Hanson, posed in languidly provocative positions without an erection), the first cum shot, and other firsts are presented.

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Other early magazine stars include men from the Athletic Model Guild, Gary Conway, Glen Corbet and Stanley Jackson. 'Posing' star Ed Fury, in Day of Fury, is shown, and is perhaps the very first gay movie. Michaels, Poco Allen, Sky Kinky, Larry Dancer, Ruffin Tumbleĭescription: Fred Halsted, dick in hand, narrates this survey of gay pornography, starting with the Apollo 'physique' magazines which eventually evolved into 8mm loop films. Starring: Fred Halsted, Ed Fury, Gary Conway, Glen Corbet, Stanley Jackson, Monty Hanson, Casey Donovan, D.C. Genre: Compilation, Pre-Condom, Hunks, Anal, Oral, Rimming, Interracial, Group, Threeways

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